Immigration New Zealand Issues Alert on Too Good Job Offers

A recent advisory issued by Immigration New Zealand (INZ) on 14th February cautioned migrant workers within the country, emphasising the importance of educating family and friends abroad on recognising and avoiding potential immigration scams.

INZ personnel, who maintain ongoing communication with leaders of ethnic communities, frequently encounter inquiries about how to safeguard against exploitation by those exploiting the aspirations of individuals seeking employment opportunities in New Zealand.

A Senior Investigator at INZ highlighted the perennial nature of immigration scams, exacerbated in the digital age by the ubiquity of social media platforms and messaging apps like WhatsApp. While facilitating global connectivity, these platforms also serve as conduits for scam operations.

Some red flags that might indicate fraudulent activity:

  • Illicit Fees for Jobs: Legitimate employers or recruiters should never request payment for job offers. Alarm bells should ring if asked to pay substantial amounts to secure a visa and employment.
  • Visa Application Acceleration for a Fee: Offers to expedite visa processes for a fee are dubious and likely indicative of a scam.
  • Unrealistic Salary Promises: Be wary of job offers that promise exceptionally high wages or assert that the position will lead to residency in New Zealand. Verifying job offers directly with the purported employers is advised to confirm their authenticity.

For those aspiring to work in New Zealand, INZ advises adhering to official application channels and avoiding third-party agents operating through social media apps.

In addition to the above-mentioned red flags, here are additional steps to verify the validity of job offers and avoid scams:

  • Research the Company: Conduct thorough research on the company offering the job. Look for official company websites, reviews, and any news articles that can confirm its legitimacy.
  • Check Employer Accreditation: To hire immigrant workers, Employer Accreditation is one of the critical criteria for employers in most cases; you can check the authenticity of Employer accreditation on the link below.
    Check Employer Accreditation
    Even if an employee is applying for below Visa category application, employer accreditation is a crucial criterion.

  • Check the Company’s Contact Information: Verify that the company’s contact details (email, phone number, physical address) are legitimate and match those found through independent research.
  • Request a Formal Job Offer Letter: Legitimate employers will provide a formal job offer letter that includes details about the job, salary, and terms of employment.
  • Consult with Industry Professionals: Reach out to professionals within the industry or related forums for insights on the company and the job offer.

Beware of Unsolicited Offers: Be careful if you get a job offer but didn’t apply or have an interview.

Seeking Legitimate Immigration Advice:

INZ encourages potential migrants to seek advice from Licensed Immigration Advisers, who are authorized by the Immigration Advisers Authority (IAA) and adhere to high standards of competency and conduct. This ensures transparency and fairness in the services provided.

The Dangers of Unlicensed Immigration Advice:

Engaging with unlicensed advisors threatens the integrity of visa applications and can lead to their rejection. Workers from other countries enjoy the same work rights as locals in New Zealand, and the Employment New Zealand website offers information in several languages.
This advisory highlights INZ’s commitment to protecting individuals from falling victim to immigration scams by providing clear guidance on recognising fraudulent offers and seeking out legitimate employment opportunities in New Zealand.

About ICL Immigration

ICL Immigration, based in Auckland, is an established licensed immigration adviser with over 20 years of experience and a remarkable 97% approval rate. We’ve helped over 1,000 immigrants realise their New Zealand settlement dreams.

We specialise in various visa services, including student, residency, work visas and business-related services like employer accreditation. We ensure personalised solutions for individuals and businesses aiming to navigate New Zealand’s immigration landscape successfully.

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