New Zealand’s Minimum Wage Set For Increase April 2024

In a landmark announcement, the Workplace Relations and Safety Minister unveiled an upcoming elevation of New Zealand’s adult minimum wage to $23.15 per hour, effective 1 April 2024. This adjustment represents a significant rise of 45 cents per hour from the preceding rate of $22.70, heralding a new era in wage standards nationwide. Concurrently, the training and starting-out wages are set to increase to $18.52 per hour, maintaining their position at 80% of the adult minimum wage, a boost from the former rate of $18.16 per hour.

Understanding Minimum Wage

The minimum wage serves as a crucial legislative tool to ensure the lowest permissible hourly wage that employers may offer their workers. This mechanism plays a pivotal role in safeguarding a fundamental living standard for workers, aiming to alleviate poverty and narrow the gap in income inequality across the labour market.

Diverse Minimum Wage Categories

New Zealand delineates three minimum wage rates: adult, starting, and training, catering to different workforce segments based on age, experience, and training commitments.

  • Adult Minimum Wage: This applies universally to employees 16 years and older who are not classified as starting-out workers or trainees, including those in supervisory or instructional roles.
  • Starting-out Minimum Wage: Targeted at younger workers aged 16-19, this category includes several stipulations based on continuous employment duration with the current employer and previous receipt of specified social security benefits.
  • Training Minimum Wage: Tailored for individuals aged 20 and above enrolled in an industry-specific training program to acquire professional qualifications in their field of work, this rate is frequently applied to apprentices.

Historical Context of Increases
Table 1- Minimum wage rates from May 2014 to May 2023

In force from:AdultStarting outTraining
1 April 2023$22.70$18.60$18.60
1 April 2022$21.20$16.9616.96
1 April 2021$20.00$16.0016.00
1 April 2020$18.90$15.12$15.12
1 April 2019$17.70$14.16$14.16
1 April 2018$16.50$13.20$13.20
1 April 2017$15.75$12.60$12.60
1 April 2016$15.25$12.20$12.20
1 April 2015$14.75$11.80$11.80
1 April 2014$14.25$11.40$11.40

Exemption for Minimum Wage

In addition to the structured increases in New Zealand’s minimum wage, there exists a provision for minimum wage exemptions, mainly designed to accommodate individuals whose circumstances might limit their ability to work at the standard minimum wage rates. This section outlines the criteria, application process, and rationale behind these exemptions, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of New Zealand’s approach to equitable labour practices.

Criteria for Exemption:

The Minimum Wage Act 1983 empowers Labour Inspectors to issue minimum wage exemption permits under certain conditions. These exemptions are specifically available for employees with a disability that significantly hinders their capacity to perform their job duties. The issuance of an exemption permit adjusts the minimum wage rate for the affected individual tailored to a specific job and for a designated period, ensuring fairness and consideration of individual capabilities.

Application Process:

Employers contemplating hiring an employee who might qualify for a minimum wage exemption are encouraged to contact the Employment Service Centre. This initiates a referral to the Labour Inspectorate to discuss the potential for an exemption. The process involves thorough evaluation to ensure the proposed wage is fair and just, considering the employee’s disability, job performance capabilities, and agreement on the wage rate. Labour Inspectors will not backdate exemptions, emphasizing the importance of timely application.

The minimum wage in New Zealand has seen a progressive upward trend, reflective of the government’s commitment to enhancing worker welfare, adjusting for inflation, and promoting economic equity.

Impact on Increase in Minumum to All Stakeholders

  • Workers: The rise in the minimum wage translates to additional weekly earnings, benefiting an estimated 80,000 to 145,000 workers, thereby improving their standard of living.
  • Employers: Despite increasing wage expenditures, employers may experience heightened employee morale and productivity, potentially offsetting costs through reduced turnover.
  • Economy: The wage increase is anticipated to stimulate economic activity by boosting consumer spending, as workers have more disposable income to invest in goods and services.

Rationale Behind the Increase in Minimum Wage

The decision to elevate the minimum wage is driven by a comprehensive strategy to address critical economic and social challenges:

  • Cost of Living: The wage increase ensures workers can sustain their expenses in response to escalating living costs and inflation.
  • Income Inequality: The adjustment seeks to mitigate income disparities, promoting a more equitable distribution of wealth.
  • Economic Stimulus: The minimum wage increase enhances workers’ purchasing power, catalyzing consumer-driven economic growth.


The increase in New Zealand’s minimum wage to $23.15 per hour marks a significant step forward in the nation’s ongoing efforts to support its workforce, reduce economic inequality, and stimulate growth. By carefully balancing the needs of workers, employers, and the broader economy, this policy underscores New Zealand’s dedication to fostering a fair, prosperous, and inclusive society.

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