The AEWV is the principal temporary work visa in New Zealand. It is designed to streamline hiring foreign workers by ensuring employers meet specific standards. The system emphasises compliance and efficiently supports employers’ and employees’ needs.
  • Accreditation Applications Opened: 23 May 2022
  • Job Check Applications Opened: 20 June 2022
  • Work Visa Applications Opened: 4 July 2022
As of 6 May 2024, Immigration New Zealand (INZ) has approved 119,296 AEWV applications, and 35,134 accredited employers are present. This robust engagement with the system underscores its pivotal role in New Zealand’s immigration landscape, facilitating the entry of skilled foreign workers and ensuring employers meet specific standards.Renewal is a crucial aspect of Employer Accreditation. This guide will explore the renewal process.

Renewal of Employer Accreditation

Maintaining current accreditation is a requirement and a strategic move for employers. It is crucial for several reasons, including employing new workers under the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV), modifying accreditation types, and supporting ongoing visa applications for your workforce. Initially valid for 12 months, your accreditation requires renewal to continue these activities, or it will expire.

Steps for Renewal:

  1. Renewing your accreditation is a straightforward process you can easily navigate through Immigration Online. Log in, go to ‘Employ Migrants’, then ‘My accredited organisations’, and select ‘View organisation’. From there, choose ‘Renew accreditation’ to begin the process. It’s that simple. Documentation: Ensure all supporting documents are uploaded as per the ‘Evidence to Provide’ section during your application submission.
  2. Fees: A renewal fee is applicable, which must be paid online during the application process.

Duration of Renewed Accreditation:

  • 24 months for standard or high-volume accreditation.
  • 12 months for franchisee or controlling third-party accreditation.
  • Accreditations renewed after a 12-month expiration of the previous one will also last 12 months.

Consequences of Not Renewing :

Failing to renew your accreditation means:
  • You cannot hire new migrant workers or support current workers in applying for further visas.
  • Any unused Job Check tokens will expire along with the accreditation.
  • You can continue employing current migrant workers until their visas expire.
Interim Employer AccreditationIf your accreditation expires during the renewal processing period, you might qualify for an interim 3-month accreditation, provided the application was submitted before the expiration of the current accreditation. The type of interim accreditation granted corresponds to your existing or applied-for accreditation type.

Timeframes and Recommendations

The recommendation is to allow at least 6 weeks for the renewal process. To ensure timely application submissions, regularly check the ‘Work visa and employer accreditation wait times’ page for current processing times.Types of Interim Accreditation AwardedDetermination of Interim AccreditationThe interim accreditation you are awarded will depend on your current accreditation status and the category for which you have applied.Accreditation Categories:
  • Standard Accreditation: Granted if you currently possess or have requested a change to standard accreditation.
  • High-Volume Accreditation: This applies if you previously held or have applied for high-volume accreditation and if you are transitioning from a franchisee or controlling third-party accreditation to high-volume accreditation.
  • Controlling Third-Party Accreditation: Issued if maintaining or applying for controlling third-party accreditation.
  • Franchisee Accreditation: Assigned if continuing or applying for franchisee accreditation.
Note: The franchisee accreditation category will be phased out later in 2024. Employers in this category can apply for standard, high-volume, or controlling third-party accreditation. Updates regarding changes to this accreditation category will be provided in due course.

Utilising Your Interim Accreditation

Capabilities with Interim Accreditation:
  • Apply for a new Job Check.
  • Use existing job tokens to facilitate AEWV applications.

Compliance Requirement:

The interim accreditation must match the type and number of jobs you intend to fill. If it differs from what you have applied for, you must adhere to the requirements of the interim category granted.Document Submission for Renewal:When renewing your employer accreditation, you must provide supporting documents that demonstrate your adherence to the accreditation criteria and the commitments established during your initial application. For expedited processing, include documents verifying your business’s viability and compliance with employment standards.Suggested Documents Include:
  • Latest evidence of business viability and operation.
  • GST or PAYE records with your business’s Inland Revenue (IR) number.
  • Recent proof of your support for employee training via Employment New Zealand modules.
  • Organizational charts that detail the business structure without including employee names.
Evidence of Completed Employment Modules:
  • For businesses with fewer decision-makers (less than 5), provide completion certificates for each individual.
  • Evidence should cover at least five individuals making recruitment decisions for larger teams.
Settlement Support Documentation:Provide evidence of the support offered to employees to help them settle in New Zealand, such as:
  • Copies of communication (emails, letters) or documents (invoices, training course completions) related to relocation and settlement.
  • Onboarding or induction policies.
  • References to the time allocated for employees to complete required modules.
If Settlement Support Was Inadequate:
  • Explain any lapses in providing settlement information.
  • Present policies or steps taken to rectify this and ensure future compliance.
  • Outline measures to ensure timely completion of Employment New Zealand employee modules.
Renewal Application ProcessRenewing accreditation involves navigating the Immigration Online portal and adhering to prescribed procedures:
  1. Logging into Immigration Online using RealMe authentication.
  2. Access the ‘Employ Migrants’ tab and select ‘Renew Accreditation’ under the ‘My Accredited Organizations’ section.
  3. Uploading requisite supporting documents may include financial evidence and franchisee or third-party agreements.
  4. The renewal fee payment varies depending on accreditation type and business size.
Timeframes and Interim MeasuresApplication processing can take a minimum of six weeks. To ensure smooth renewal processing, employers should consider the processing time.. Additionally, interim accreditation may be available to eligible employers awaiting renewal outcomes. Interim accreditation, typically granted for three months, provides temporary relief and continuity during the renewal process, albeit with specific eligibility criteria and limitations.ConclusionRenewing employer accreditation under the AEWV system is a crucial aspect of workforce management and regulatory compliance for businesses in New Zealand. By understanding the renewal process, adhering to prescribed timelines and procedures, and addressing potential implications, employers can sustain seamless operations and support for migrant workers within the country’s regulatory framework.About ICL ImmigrationICL Immigration, based in Auckland, is an established licensed immigration adviser and immigration consultant with over 20 years of experience and a remarkable 97% approval rate. We’ve helped over 1,000 immigrants realise their New Zealand settlement dreams.We specialise in various visa services, including student, residency, work visas and business-related services like employer accreditation. We ensure personalised solutions for individuals and businesses aiming to navigate New Zealand’s immigration landscape successfully.
Erik Murthy

Abhay Kumar

Abhay is the Head of Digital Marketing at ICL, bringing a wealth of experience and a data-driven approach to strategy. He holds a master’s degree in Management and has a deep understanding of New Zealand’s immigration process. His passion for content writing and reading enhances his ability to connect meaningfully with our audience.

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